Year 6

Welcome to the Y6 page!

It feels like just yesterday that they were starting in Year 3, and now here we are at the beginning of their final year at St John’s. We have an exciting and immersive array of learning experiences lined up for our children during this pivotal year in their academic journey.

In Year 6, we have two classes, with the dedicated teachers Miss Woods-Booth, Mrs Riley, and Mrs Bell sharing the teaching responsibilities. This year promises to be incredibly busy, but we will  have a fantastic time along the way, creating wonderful lasting memories. We are committed to helping each child reach their full potential by the end of the year and preparing them for the next stage of their education.


Year Group Contact Email We understand that it can be challenging for parents to reach us while we are in class and they are at work. To address this, we have established email accounts for each year group, which will be monitored by the relevant staff members to respond to any important queries you may have regarding your child’s learning. We will strive to reply as promptly as possible.

Year Group Emails

Mrs Riley

Mrs Riley

Miss Woods-Booth

Miss Woods-Booth

Mrs Bell

Mrs Bell

Year 6 – News and Updates – 2024/25

10th February

This week, we have been studying a range of different artists. Today, Y6TR/SB took inspiration from Lubaina Himid, a contemporary artist known for her work exploring themes of identity and activism.

We then created our own artwork to represent issues important to us, showcasing both creativity and powerful messages.

We are currently learning about the circulatory system. We are very lucky to have two medical students from the university joining us in school at the moment. They used their expertise to teach the children about the circulatory system and the job of the heart. The children were really engaged, enthused and asked some excellent questions when they were able to see a real animal heart, an ox.  We have some budding medics in school. It was an experience they will never forget!

London residential 

The payment item is now available via your ParentPay account. 

This has been set up to be paid in 6 instalments:


Instalments 1: £48.33 31/12/2024
Instalments 2: £48.33 31/01/2025
Instalments 3: £48.33 28/02/2025
Instalments 4: £48.33 31/03/2025
Instalments 5: £48.33 30/04/2025
Instalments 6: £48.35 16/05/2025


Total cost £290


Friday 15th November 

Today, we sampled the delicious crumbles they planned and prepared as part of their DT lessons. 
After enjoying their tasty treats, the children evaluated their crumbles, thinking about how they could refine their recipes.
Well done, Year 6

14th November

This week,  we have researched crumble recipes as part of our DT lessons. After exploring ideas, we created  our very own crumble recipes! Using fresh apples picked from our school orchard, everyone will be making a delicious crumble, learning valuable skills a long the way. We are sure the finished crumbles will be delicious!

25th October 2024

Over the last couple of weeks, Year 6 have been working on some art inspired by the Maya civilisation. They have created their own tile that represents themselves in the Maya style, using repeated patterns, symbols and shapes. 

They have then learnt about chiaroscuro, which involves creating strong contrasts between light and dark. They used masking tape and charcoal to create Maya words with a 3D look. 

Today, our year 6 children enjoyed a trip to the school orchard to pick their apples, making the most of the beautiful autumn sunshine.
We hope they had fun and enjoyed eating the apples they’ve picked
We’re incredibly proud to announce that all of our Year 6 students have successfully completed their Bikeability training!
Not only did they all pass with flying colours, but the coaches also praised their exceptional behaviour and positive attitudes throughout the program. What a fantastic achievement!
Well done year 6.
16th September
Year 6 has just wrapped up their hedgehog study, and after comparing their findings to previous years, they noticed a concerning trend – hedgehog numbers are in decline.
This sparked an important discussion among the children about why this might be happening. Inspired to make a difference, the children got creative and designed some amazing posters to raise awareness about hedgehog welfare in our community. Great work, Year 6.
9th September 
We have been busy with an exciting environmental study this week. investigating the number of hedgehogs living within our school grounds.
Once the data has been recorded, we’ll then compare the results to those of previous years to see if the hedgehog population is increasing or in decline.
This project not only helps them learn about local wildlife but also teaches them the importance of conservation
Bikeability – September 2024 
We are so glad that the weather picked up for our year 6 children as they started their Bikeability training. 
The course is a fantastic opportunity for them to learn essential cycling skills and road safety awareness, ensuring that they can ride confidently and responsibly on the roads.

News and updates from 2023/24 academic year.

22nd May
What an amazing time our year 6 children had on their residential trip to London. From exploring iconic landmarks to watching an amazing performance of Mrs Doubtfire, which was a real highlight of the trip for everyone.
A huge thank you to our wonderful staff who made this trip possible – creating memories that will last a lifetime!
14th May 2024
As a little light relief from their SATs work, the Y6 children have been studying the work of pop-artist, Keith Haring this afternoon.
20th March 2024
Yesterday, children were absolutely buzzing about their virtual reality sessions at school.
They went on an incredible journey exploring the Amazon, travelling back to The Stoneage and discovering facts about Volcanoes, giving them all an immersive learning experience linked to our current themes in school.
We’re thrilled to see our children engaging with technology in such a meaningful and educational way.

23rd February

We have been studying the work of several artists: David Hockney; John Singer Sargant; Lubaina Himid and Fiona Rae. We looked at how they used different techniques and styles to convey a message and feeling. We then tried to convey our own messages, feelings and emotions using some of the techniques and styles we have studied.

Today, we attended Crucial Crew at the Lifewise Centre,
This is a project run by South Yorkshire Police which teaches children how to be safe in a variety of situations. Several scenarios are covered, including the following:
• Home Fire Safety
• Bus Safety
• Road Safety
• Internet Safety
• Basic First Aid
• Peer Pressure / Retail Crime & Alcohol Awareness.
A fantastic learning experience for our children, which provides them with an opportunity to acquire essential life skills at an impressionable time in their lives.

Tuesday 19th December

We had an amazing time at their Christmas party this afternoon, creating unforgettable memories together.

Week Commencing 9th November 

We have been using Cuisenaire Rods as an introduction to our new maths topic – fractions 

PE – Autumn Term 2 

Hockey is a great way for children to get active. It helps them develop strength, agility, and endurance while having fun.
It also helps with co-ordination skills and team work.
Hockey forms part of our PE curriculum and this week we are practising our shooting skills. 
Before the holidays, we enjoyed an ‘Arts Day’
The topic was ‘Making my voice heard.’ We studied Maya art, patterns and architecture, and how this has inspired some more recent artists; we then collected ideas and practiced techniques.
Next, we used some of this inspiration along with a chosen Maya ‘Wayub’ symbol to make a square tile to represent ourselves.
We finally practised using the ‘ciaruscruro’ technique to emphasize the contrast between light and dark areas in their work.


Before the holiday, we used the apples from the school grounds as the main ingredient to make a crumble.
The children planned and baked a crumble adding extra ingredients of their choice before getting the chance to try their creations.


29th September 2023

Today, we enjoyed our first Maths Measures Day of this academic year, where children got to build on their understanding of measurement in a fun and hands on way.

Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and carers who joined us this morning. We hope you enjoyed the morning as much as we did.