Provision for children with Special Educational Needs/Disabilities
Support is given in many ways if a child is identified as having Special Educational Needs/Disability. Additional resources may be available from the school or, in more exceptional circumstances, provided by the LA. This support may include individual work programs, small group work and ideas for parents and children to work on at home.
If we are particularly concerned about your child’s learning then we will ask you to come into school and discuss their progress and then decide whether or not additional help should be requested. In this case, the initial note of concern is noted by our school’s Special Educational Needs Coordinator. The extent of any problem assessed will determine what, if any, extra help can be made available.
If you have any any concerns about your child’s progress, please make an appointment to discuss it with either their class teacher, Miss Steward (our Special Education Needs Coordinator) or our Head Teacher.
Our SENCO will liaised at length with our feeder infant school prior to children joining us and children who are on the Special Educational Needs/Disability register will remain, initially at that level of concern when they join us. Extra transitional support will be given to those children with SEN/D where appropriate.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) Miss J Steward.
As a school we are committed to helping and supporting children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Click on the following link to view our Local Offer on the School Directory website.
For more information and useful contacts for help and our advice, please see our SEN/D policy which can be found below, if however, you have any further queries, please get in touch with the school.•
Additionally, The Sheffield Parent Carers Forum (SPCF) have produced a helpful booklet which describes and explains the support systems which operate within the city and can be found by clicking on the link below.
SEND Complaints
For complaints, please contact Mrs Faye Chapman, the Governor with responsibility for SEN/D. She can be contacted via the school office.
Each year we publish a SEN Information Report, which is intended to tell parents how our school’s SEN policy is used and how help and support for pupils with SEND works at St John’s
SEND information Report December-23.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy December 23.