School uniform creates a sense of community and equality in a school environment, placing children on a level playing field and developing a sense of pride. Every child needs to wear uniform.
We welcome donations of used uniform in good condition. Parents can contact the school office to ascertain if we have any used uniform available to purchase.
School uniform requirements :
- Royal blue school sweater/cardigan with logo
- Pale blue/white polo shirt either with or without the school logo
- Grey skirt/pinafore/trousers or shorts
- Blue gingham dress
- Black shoes or trainers
- Dark grey or black leggings may be worn by girls under skirts instead of tights in cold weather
- White, dark grey or black socks and tights
- Small stud earrings
- A watch if desired
PE Kit
- White t-shirt (plain or with logo),
- Plain navy shorts/PE skirt
- A pair of jogging bottoms
- Sweater/hoodie.
- Black pumps for indoor use
- Trainers for outdoor use.
For health and safety reasons long hair needs to be tied back and earrings removed. We are not allowed to assist in the removal of earrings and if they cannot be removed independently, unfortunately children will not be allowed to take part in the PE lesson.
Ordering of School Uniform.
Deepcar St John’s uniform supplier is a Sheffield based company called School Trends. The use of this company is advantageous to parents as uniform can be ordered at any point throughout the school year.
It is possible to order uniform as and when you require by ordering directly through the School Trends on line ordering facility at; https://www.schooltrends.co.uk
They aim for orders to be delivered within 14 days of the order being received and the payment made.
The following are not permitted:
- Tracksuit bottoms
- Patterned tights or clothing
- Denim
- Cycling shorts
- Leggings (worn alone with no skirt or dress)
- Strappy shoes/sandals/crocs
- Overly inappropriate head wear
- Hoop or dangly earrings
- Bracelets
- Smart watches
- Make up
- False nails
- False eyelashes
Please ensure all items of clothing and belongings are clearly labelled, as identification can be very difficult.
Children losing an item of clothing should try to find it straight away. It is much easier to find something on the day on which it has been lost. Parents can accompany their child either before or after school to have a look in the school’s lost property box for missing items.
At the end of each half term, all lost property will be displayed.