School Times

Deepcar St John’s is open for 32.5 hours per week for children of statutory school age. School will officially start at 8.50am and finish at 3.20pm.

The School Day


8.40 am Gates open and children are admitted into school

8.50 am Registration closes (Children arriving after 8.50am will be marked late)

9.20 am to 9.40 am Collective Worship

9.40 am to 10.40 am English

10.40 am to 10.55 am Break

10.55 am to 12.10 pm Maths

12.10 pm Lunch time (1 hour)

1.10 pm Afternoon registration and start of afternoon lessons

3.20 pm End of the school day

3.30 pm Extra-Curricular activities

4.30 pm End of Extra-Curricular activities