Safeguarding & Child Protection
A happy child, who feels secure learns efficiently and well. Children come to school to learn so it is important that we pay attention to the personal needs and well being of each child as they travel through our school. Providing this support is essential to help and guide each one of our pupils to ensure he or she achieves personal success and makes the most of the many opportunities that we as a school offer. We pride ourselves on the exceptional care that we give to the needs of our pupils.
Changes in the law, notably the Children’s Act (1989), mean that staff in Schools have a duty to report any concerns that they may have of any child who may be suffering significant harm, particularly as a consequence of possible abuse. It is a Department for Children, Schools and Families requirement that each School in the country nominates a senior member of staff who will have special responsibility for the Safeguarding of children. In Sheffield, this member of staff, known as the Desginated Safeguarding Lead, has been in receipt of training in this area, and can be trusted to deal with all these matters with professional confidentiality. As a School, we have close contacts with the School Health Service, Family and Community Services and the Police, any or all of whom may become involved if abuse is suspected or alleged.
Designated Safeguarding Lead – Miss Steward, SENDCo.
Designated Safeguarding Deputy – Mrs K Ashton, Learning Mentor.

Miss J Steward

Mrs K Ashton
The School has a responsibility to collate basic information such as who has parental responsibility for a child, and to pass this information to the relevant agencies if so requested.
In the event of an investigation into possible child abuse, the School has a duty to co-operate with the investigating agencies to the best of their ability to promote the welfare of the child. Whilst the School will always attempt to work in partnership with parents and try to ensure that parents are fully informed of, and participate in, any action concerning their child, if there is a conflict of interest, the welfare of the child must be the paramount consideration. Should you wish to discuss Safeguarding, or indeed, any other topic involving your child, please contact the School.
As part of Mrs Ashton’s role as Learning Mentor, she deals with child safeguarding issues, provides advice and support to other staff, liaises with the Local Authority and works with other agencies and parents. Additionally, Mrs Ashton is known by them as a person they can go and talk to about any issues or problems that they have either at home or at school.
Safeguarding – keeping your children safe in school – is the foundation for everything we do. All staff are trained in Safeguarding procedures and there is a regular re-training schedule. All staff are DBS checked on a regular basis. Staff have signed to say they have read, Keeping children safe in Education.’ The link to this document is below.–2
Pastoral Care
Class teachers are concerned not only with the children’s educational progress but also with their personal and social development. We try to combine high expectations with a sympathetic approach. Sometimes, however, problems do arise and we advise parents of these at an early stage. We hope that you, as parents, will do the same and contact us promptly if you are aware of any problems. A new baby in the family, a death, or some upset at home can cause a child to behave differently at school, just as worries about school work or an argument with a school friend can cause behaviour problems at home.
Although we put measures in place to try and prevent accidents, unfortunately accidents do happen at school. It is therefore important that we are able to contact parents quickly if a child has an accident which needs medical treatment. Additionally, children may become ill during the school day. Due to this it is important that we have up-to-date information about where parents can be contacted. To inform school of any change of address or contact numbers, please download and return the data collection form from our school website.
Medical Appointments
If your child has a medical appointment during the school day, please inform the school office two days before and we will arrange the necessary forms.
If your child is fit enough to attend school but needs to take medicine at regular intervals, such as Calpol, Ibuprofen, antibiotics or cough medicine, please contact the school office. By giving written consent, one of our First Aider, will be able to give the medicine to your child. The school office should also be contacted if your child needs to take medicine for illnesses like Diabetes or Asthma. You will be asked to give clear, written instructions for the administration and your written consent.