Ofsted Report
In our most recent Ofsted inspection, we were delighted to be recognised as a ‘Good’ school. The overall judgement of GOOD filled us with pride, especially given the multitude of incredibly positive comments we received.
It is truly gratifying to see that the hard work and dedication of everyone in our school community have been acknowledged. Staff and Governors are really pleased with the report. All the staff have worked extremely hard since our previous inspection to make further improvements and are very happy with such a pleasing report. We are very proud of the children and how they conducted themselves during the two-day inspection. The children presented as they always do; as polite, well spoken, well behaved, caring and knowledgeable members of the school. They really were a credit to you as parents.
A huge thankyou to all the Governors of the Federation who work voluntarily attending meetings, visiting school etc to help the school move forward strategically.
We are already actioning our areas for improvement and will continue to strive to provide the best education for the community we serve.
The Ofsted was a graded inspection. Inspectors carried out deep dives in Reading, Mathematics, Science and French. Some key headlines from the report are listed below –
‘Deepcar St John’s is a happy school.’
‘There is a calm and purposeful atmosphere around the school.’
‘Pupils work hard and enjoy coming to school’
‘Staff have high expectations for the achievement of all pupils.’
‘The school has implemented a broad and ambitious curriculum’
‘The school provides opportunities for pupils to broaden their horizons.’
‘Adults build highly positive relationships with pupils and this is evident in all classrooms.’
‘Adults encourage pupils to become highly engaged in their learning.’
‘The governing body is fully involved in the life of the school’
If you would like to delve deeper into our achievements and future plans, please click on the following link to read the full report.