Curriculum Overview
Curriculum at St John's
Curriculum At St John’s
We follow the National Curriculum, which became statutory in September 2014, under a themed approach. We promote a rich and engaging curriculum that will empower children and is designed to inspire a passion for learning, whilst ensuring that requirements of the National Curriculum are met.
We have a Big Picture overview of the curriculum, which we have broken down into different subject areas, making it personal and pertinent to the teaching and learning in our school. Below, you will find documents which show our full Key Stage 2 curriculum coverage, a breakdown for all the subjects and what is covered in each year group. If you would like more information on our current curriculum, please contact school.
Our school motto is “where the individual matters” and we will work with our children to achieve their full potential as rounded individuals; achieve high standards in all areas of the curriculum; develop themselves as confident, self- motivated, independent and collaborative learners; be able to adapt to new challenges and opportunities; be active contributors to the School and to the wider community; value themselves; value and care for others in the local community and the wider world; understand and accept the rights and responsibilities of being citizens of the future; learn about, value and enjoy our diverse society.
At St John’s good quality learning is characterised by: –
Observable pupil progress (the acquisition of knowledge, skills and understanding)
Pupils’ application and concentration on tasks that demand intellectual and creative engagement
Pupils ability to work independently and collaboratively.
The development of cognitive and affective skills- i.e.:
- Enquiry
- Problem solving
- Creative thinking
- Information processing
- Reasoning
- Evaluation
- Self awareness
- Managing feelings
- Motivation
- Empathy
- Social skills
- Communication
- Making links
This page is currently being updated with the latest documents for 2025.
The policies for each subject can be found below, as well as Subject Information Leaflets and Curriculum Booklets. You can also visit the specific subject page for more information.
A curriculum overview for the year, for each year group, can also be found at the bottom of this page.
If you require further information. Please contact Miss Jones via the school office.
Geograpy (Theme)
Religious Education
Physical Education
PE Policy 2023
PE Curriculum Overview 2023
PE Information Booklet 2023