Charges & Remissions

St John’s places a strong emphasis on giving children first hand experiences and organises out of school activities, which take place both during and after the school day. For this, we require your continued financial support.

Regulations mean that schools are allowed to invite parents to make voluntary contributions for travel, admissions and other costs involved in a school outing. No additional funding is given to the school to pay for these activities.

A Summary of Compulsory Charges

The Governing Body reserve the right to make a charge in the following circumstances:-

  • The board and lodging element of residential activities.
  • Activities deemed to be optional extras within and outside of school grounds.
  • Cost of provision for Arts and Crafts

Our full policy on Charging and Remissions can be found at the bottom of this page. However, If you have any questions please contact Miss Jones, Executive Headteacher, via the school office.
