Good behaviour and discipline are the key foundations of good education. Without an orderly atmosphere, effective teaching and learning cannot take place. If children are permitted to misbehave in school, they prejudice their own educational chances and worse, they disrupt the education of children around them.
It is the basic entitlement of all children at Deepcar St John’s school to feel safe and secure and to enjoy being in a good learning environment. All pupils are expected to behave in a responsible manner, both to themselves and to others, showing consideration, courtesy and respect for other people at all times.
The School has a ‘Positive Behaviour Policy’ which describes rewards and sanctions, our expectations, how poor behaviour is monitored and discouraged, the disciplinary stages and action and how incidents are reported. There is also an anti-bullying policy. A confidential record is kept of all incidents of poor behaviour to enable us to monitor, give sanctions and action one-to-one support if necessary.
Golden Rules
In order to continue to promote our high standards of behaviour in school and make sure our children are “ready to learn” in a safe positive environment, we follow our Positive Behaviour Policy. In school we have a set of “Golden Rules” which are followed through a colour system.
Green: All children start on green on our class behaviour system and remain on green while they demonstrate positive behaviour and a “readiness to learn”. This involves following the good speaker, listener and learner rules and actively engaging with the lesson.
Yellow: A child will be moved onto yellow if they have not made the right choices after first being given a warning or a reminder about their behaviour choices.
Orange: If a child continues to make the wrong choice after being given a warning and placed on yellow, they will be given a short amount of “time out” in class to think about making the right choices so that they are ready to re-join the class and are “ready to learn”.
Red: If a Golden Rule is broken again during the day, they will move on to red. This means they will go to work in a buddy class, lose their playtime/lunchtime either that day or the following day and spend this time reflecting on their choices. (Buddy Class: This is another class in school.)
Whilst we will not tolerate poor behaviour, and will deal with it accordingly, we also want to focus on what children are getting right; highlighting the good.
At St John’s we believe that encouragement and praise is central is achieving this. We feel that rewarding children makes them feel valued, builds confidence and motivates them to achieve. In addition rewarding good behaviour enables our pupils to realise that desirable behaviour, self-discipline and responsibility to themselves and others is highly valued within our school community. We will ensure that all children regardless of age and ability are rewarded across the school.
Pink – A child will be moved on to pink if they are going above the learning behaviours expected for them to be on green. They are consistently contributing to class discussions, being on task and working collaboratively with others and also independently. Having pride in their work and impressing their teachers.
Purple – Children move onto purple when they are being the ‘best version’ of themselves, which will be different for every child, and is there to recognise when a child is consistently trying their hardest in all that they do; pushing themselves out of their comfort zone.
We also recognise positive behaviour in our Sparkle and Shine Collective Worship each week.
Sparkle and Shine
Each week we hold a ‘Sparkle and Shine’ award assembly, where we recognise children who have stood out for their exceptional qualities, achievements or positive impact on the school community. It encompasses various areas, represented by an acronym of the word SHINE.
- Socially responsible
- High achievers
- Independent / interdependent learners
- Nurturing
- Empowered to meet life’s challenges
A certificate and badge is given to each child who is chosen.
Code Of Behaviour
In summary our code of behaviour below outlines our expectations.
- Every pupil has the right to learn without being distracted by the bad behaviour of others.
- Every pupil in our school is valued – Physical or Verbal abuse will not be tolerated
- We encourage mutual respect, understanding and tolerance towards all members of our school. We do not accept discrimination in any form.
- All children should respect school property and the property of others.
Should children persist in making the wrong choices with regard to their behaviour, parents will be informed and asked into school to discuss the problem. In extreme cases, there are clear guidelines which the Governors and Headteacher will act upon in excluding a child from school.
In the event of any damage being caused by pupils, to books, equipment, furnishing etc. the Governors wish parents to know that they will be responsible for paying for their replacement.